Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sum - Sum - Summertime!

We are having so much fun this summer! We've found ourselves at the pool more days than not, and Rebecca is doing so well in the water. She's a little too brave! She forgets she sometimes doesn't have on water wings, and one day walked right off the end of the steps. She sunk like a rock! But I was encouraged; when Mike fished her off the bottom, she was startled and did cry, but she wasn't choked at all! Maybe she'll be ready to put her face in the water "on purpose" soon.
Also, I loved Betsy's story about Owen and his "baby in the tummy" comment. I have a similar one, too! Rebecca and I were discussing her upcoming birthday and how old she will be (three). She asked, "Mommy, how old are you?"
Me: Mommy is 36 years old.
Rebecca: WOW! That's A LOT of birthdays!
Funny thing is, I can vividly remember when my own parents were my current age, and I thought they were old too! Oh, how I now know better!
And now this! My not quite three year old told me yesterday, "Mommy, I want some tennis shoes with a Nike swoosh on the side. A pink swoosh!"
Where could she have gotton that? Oh, no!

1 comment:

jduckbaker said...

Too cute! She is growing so much! We are thinking about swim lessons (we really should have done them sooner, but I'm not sure how they would do at regular YMCA lessons... is it wrong to be hesitant about that)

I miss you and am glad you are keeping up the blog. I went through from my parents down to Atlanta about a month ago and passed by Rome on the interstate. I wanted to stop and say hello, but we were picking up Jeff at the airport and it was all last minute. If we are on our way that way again, I would love to catch up with you!