Friday, December 14, 2007


Well, actually, a TRACTOR pulled the hay wagon, but not having a horse-drawn sleigh in no way deterred our fun! Rebecca had a fantastic time! Her favorite part of our evening was the actual hay! She dug in it, jumped in it, and threw it. Though covered in hay (Rule #426: do not wear chenille on a hayride), she was none the worse for wear for having inhaled millions of dust particles. Her daddy and I, on the other hand, woke up the next morning with swollen eyes and runny noses. I guess her little body hasn't developed "hay" antibodies yet! Then, in addition to viewing what I'm sure were millions of lights and lighted displays, we got to feed goats, sheep, and even a camel. (We decided to take the E. coli risk). Rebecca was delighted, having learned all about camels from one of her "Wiggles" videos. (Can anyone else out there sing "Wobbly camel walking by.............")? There were also reindeer there at the farm, but they were such sad looking creatures that I didn't take a photo. One had lost one of his atlers, and they were so much shorter and dumpier than I expected. Another childhood delusion shattered!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.