Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Look closely!!

Last week my BABY asked me for some pink panties. I explained that she couldn't wear panties until she learned to put her tee-tee in the potty. So she did. Yesterday, she wore her panties all day with only one accident. She is so proud of herself, and I am so proud of her. But seeing her in those panties makes me want to cry, because suddenly, my baby seems so grown up. So much a little girl.


jduckbaker said...

Oh my oh my! Congratulations! It's a huge step and she is definately growing up quickly!!!!

B has pretty much mastered the panties now. She only has the rare accident. She'll be 3 in January.

I wanted to let you know we started a new GP Young Families Blog and I linked your blog to it too. Here's the address:

Miss you! (Loved your response to Martha's Santa post- I had to post in response to your post on it!)

Robyn said...

What a big girl!!!! When can Martha and I come see y'all? Let's do it SOON!!!